Product Details

SLF-HT - Hydrophobic PTFE Membrane Cartridge
Brand OptiFluor
Masterfilter SLF-HT filter cartridges manufactured with hydrophobic PTFE membranes with advanced high-temperature resistance. They are designed for sterile filtration of air and gas. Due to their permanent hydrophobicity, SLF-HT cartridges offer high process security, and can withstand high temperatures continuous process conditions, ozonised water venting applications and stringent in-line steam sterilisations.
Features Benefits
- 0.2 µm absolute rated challenged in liquid
- Oxidation-resistant materials provide longer service life in air and vent applications
- Permanently hydrophobic PTFE for maximum security with wet and dry gas
- PTFE offers compatibility with most chemicals
- Exceptionally high flow rates with low delta p
- Suitable for all integrity test procedure including WIT (requires no alcohol)
- Pharmaceuticals and Biologicals
Technical Specification
Materials of construction
Filter media: Hydrophobic PTFE
Support layers: Polyphenylenesulphide PPS
Inner core: Polypropylene
Outer cage: Polypropylene
End caps: Polypropylene
End cap insert: PBT/Stainless 304 insert
O-Rings: EPDM, Silicone
Operating parameters
Max. differential pressure forward: 6.9 bar at 25 °C, 4.0 bar at 60 °C, 2.4 bar at 80 °C)
Max. differential pressure reverse: 3.0 bar at 25 °C)
In situ steam sterilisation: 142 °C up to 100 hours
Autoclaving: 134 °C for 30 min (400 cycles)
- Fermentation
- LVP (Large Volume Parenterals)
- SVP (Small Volume Parenterals)
- Pharmaceutical Water Treatment
- Ophthalmics
- API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingridients)
Filter Properties
- Comply with the relevant requirements of EU 1935/2004, EU directive 10/2011, according to 21CFR and current USP Plastics Class VI
- Comply with USP Plastics Class VI-121 °C and ISO10993 equivalents
- Tested with B. diminuta (ATCC191546) at > 107 cm²
- Non fibre releasing per Title21 of the US Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)