Product Details

RBC - Resin Bonded Acrylic Phenolic or Cellulose Melamine Cartridge
Brand ResinBonded
Micron Ratings: 0.2 to 100 µm
Filter Type: Depth Media
Masterfilter RBC filters are manufactured from fibres bonded together by a resin, thereby creating rigid graded density depth filters. Resin bonded filters are available either as the AP (Acrylic fibre bonded with Phenolic resin) or as the CM (Cellulose fibre bonded with Melamine resin). Bonding the fibres with the resin, creates a rigid pore structure that allows the filter to be used in demanding process conditions, such as high temperatures, high viscosities and with aggressive chemicals.
Features Benefits
- No by-pass of fluids and contaminant unloading under pressure
- High porosity with low pressure drop and filtration consistency
- Low disposable cost (no metals or plastics)
- Increases surface area allows better life to blockage
- Reduced channelling between ends, no by-pass of fluid and less brittle at joints
- Suitable for wide range of applications and contaminants
- Chemicals
Technical Specification
Operating parameters
Max. operating temperature: 120 °C
Max. differential pressure change out : < 72 PSID / 5 bar
Recommended max. differential pressure change out: < 58 PSID / 4 bar
- Raw Materials Clarification
- Raw Materials Intermediate Polishing
- Final Product Filtration