Product Details

PESS - PES Cartridge
Brand OptiPes
Masterfilter PESS filter cartridges manufactured with perfectly hydrophilic polyethersulfone symmetric membranes are specially designed to provide high flowrate with secure and reliable removal of spoilage microorganisms. Its unique construction structure allows optimal sterilisation performances of a wide range of fluids. Good inertia and low protein binding of PESS polyether sulfone membrane ensures perfect transmission of active ingredients.
Features Benefits
- Low diffusion flow
- Inherently hydrophilic PES membrane
- High surface area provides excellent flow rates and extended service life while maintaining high bacteria removal efficiency
- Low protein binding
- Pharmaceuticals and Biologicals
- Food and Beverage
- Water
- Chemicals
Technical Specification
Materials of construction
Membrane: Polyether sulfone membrane
Support layers: Polypropylene
Inner core: Polypropylene
Outer cage: Polypropylene
End caps: Polypropylene
O-Rings: Silicone, EPDM
Operating parameters
Max. differential pressure: 6.9 bar at 25 °C, 4.0 bar at 60 °C, 2.4 bar at 80 °C
Steam sterilisation: 100 cycles of 30min at 135 °C, maximum allowable pressure drop of < 0.3 bar
Autoclave: 200 cycles of 30 min at 130 °C
Filtration area 10” module: 0.58 m²
- LVP (Large Volume Parenterals)
- SVP (Small Volume Parenterals)
- Pharmaceutical Water Treatment
- Ophthalmics
- API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingridients)
- Brewing
- Wine
- Distilled Spirits
- Bottled Water
- Soft Drinks
- Process Water
- Municipal
- Power Utilities
- Raw Materials Clarification
- Raw Materials Intermediate Polishing
- Final Product Filtration
Filter Properties
- Tested with Brevundimonas Diminuta (ATCC 19146) at 107 CFU/cm² according with ASTM-F838
- Cartridges is marked with unique serial number for identification and traceability
- Manufactured in a facility which adheres to ISO 9001:2015 Practices.
- 100% Integrity testing in manufacturing
- Bacterial Endotoxin: aqueous extraction of autocalvede filter contains < 0.25 EU/ml as determined by Limulus Amebcyte Lysate (LAL), USP <85>
- Non-fiber releasing: component materials meet the criteria for a “Non-fiber-releasing filter” as defined in 21 CFR 210.3(b)(6)
- Component material toxicity: meet the requirement of USP <87> In Vitro Cytotoxicity Test; meet the criteria of USP <88> Biological Reactivity Test for Class VI-121 °C plastics.
- TOC/ Conductivity at 25 °C: Autoclaved filter effluent meet the USP <643> for Total Organic Carbon and USP <645> for Water Conductivity per WFI requirements after a UPW flush of specified volume